Sumedha and Prateek, thanks a lot of being a very good sport during the shoot, and cooperating with me even though the conditions were far from ideal.
The weather condition on the day of the shoot was pretty bad. When I left home, it was pouring rain in Kirkland. I had no idea how the shoot will pan out – and I was afraid that it will be a total disaster.
I reached Kerry Park in Seattle, our first location for the day. As I was waiting for Sumedha and Prateek to show up, the weather Gods kind of smiled on us, and the Sun came out from the clouds and the light was perfect.
Our second location, Golden Gardens beach, was very very cold and dreary and cloudy. We had some drizzle as well. Everything was grey except a little sliver of the Sun towards the west, and I tried to make use of that as much as I could. We also found a big tree trunk on the beach which served as an interesting element to the images, and in particular, helped me make the striking last image of the set.